Locked in or left behind?

2025 Biochar Offtake Report

Unlock strategic advantages and data-driven insights in the carbon removal market in our latest report.

Supercritical is trusted by ⅓ of corporate buyers of CDR including:

What’s in it for buyers

  1. Master the offtake advantage: Learn how long-term offtake agreements secure a steady flow of high-quality biochar credits, shielding your business from price volatility and supply disruptions.
  2. Exclusive market data: Access in-depth analyses and case studies that reveal the financial and operational benefits of committing to offtake contracts in a competitive market.
  3. Strategic procurement insights: Equip yourself with the knowledge to negotiate favorable terms, mitigate risks, and capitalize on the cost efficiencies offered by structured offtake agreements.

Supercritical is a curated carbon removal marketplace that offers unparalleled transparency into the global biochar market, helping corporate buyers reduce transaction costs, manage risk, and confidently procure high-quality carbon credits.

Meet Supercritical

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